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Czech Technical University, Prague
Faculty of Electrical Engineering - Department of Cybernetics is aimed at high-quality research in artificial intelligence, machine perception, robotics, and biomedical engineering with the focus to multi-agent systems, machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, knowledge-based systems, medical data processing and collaborative robotics.
Faculty of Information Technology - Research focus on computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, information technology, neural networks.
Charles University, Prague
Institute for Theoretical Computer Science - The subject of the centre’s research activities comprises methods, algorithms, and structures of theoretical computer science and their applications in information technologies and data mining, Projects in industrial, governmental, EU programmes.
University of Economics, Prague
Faculty of Informatics and Statistics - IT Research - IT Management methods and models, Service Science, Knowledge Engineering, Information Management, ISO Standards (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7), IT Industry Research (Statistics) - Human Resources in ICT, Impact of ICT on the Czech Republic
Masaryk University, Brno
Faculty of Informatics - Research activities are concentrated particularly on a project dealing with issues of parallel and distributed computer systems; IBM Shared University Research Award 2008 (Web-scale Similarity Search in Multimedia Data); ISA Awards 2009 (Finalists in Mission-Critical Data)
University of Technology, Brno
Faculty of Information Technology - The scientific and research activities at the Faculty of Information Technology are aimed at current research areas concerning the theory, methods and applications of information technologies.
Technical University of Ostrava (VŠB)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science - This faculty’s R&D potential comprises a key component of innovative activities in the Moravia-Silesia region as well as in the whole Czech Republic.
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