Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials


The dynamically developing nanotechnology sector is penetrating a full range of various fields. In the Czech Republic, this primarily involves the automotive, aviation, textile and chemical industries, which have a strong tradition and most to gain from the use of nanotechnology

The absolute majority of domestic firms involved in nanotechnology are companies that need to rapidly internationalise and find business partners abroad in order to be successful. Elmarco, TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING or Contipro are great examples of such companies.

An example of successful internationalisation of Czech institutions is the Memorandum on Cooperation between CzechInvest Agency and the Nano Technology Research Association of South Korea, which was concluded in 2012. In 2011, the Technical University of Liberec signed the Agreement on Cooperation with Shinshu University in Japan.

Industry Specialisation

  • Industrial production of nanofibres and derivatives thereof
  • Production of monocrystalline materials for electron microscopy and laser applications
  • Electron lithography used mainly for holography applications
  • Wound healing, tissue regeneration, targeted delivery of drugs/treatments, gene therapy, instruments for detecting damaged DNA
  • Production of laser interferometers for metrology and the machine-tool and microelectronics industries
  • Water treatment
  • Surface and antibacterial treatments
  • Research of nanostructured and cross-linked polymeric material

Reasons to Invest

  • World-class basic nanotechnology research
  • Increasing number of research institutions, clusters and private companies working in nanotechnologies
  • Excellent research and human-resources potential of Czech small and medium-size enterprises
  • Primacy in industrial production of nanofibres with a broad range of applications
  • Regulatory and patent environment in accordance with EU standards
  • European funding and Czech investment incentives



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