Research & development

Research & Development

The Czech Republic has a strong academic background which consists of nine main technical universities providing natural-sciences study programmes, including energy technologies. Added value derives from cooperation with leading Czech companies focusing on R&D projects involving advanced technology products.Another aspect of success in research is that the Czech Republic is home to a broad range of science and technology parks and innovation centres.These aspects give the Czech Republic a leading position among its main competitors in the region, according to fDI intelligence source.

tabR&D Centres

Energy Research Centre
The ERC's mission consists in RTD activities focusing on combustion and gasification of solid fuels (particularly biomass), equipment modernisation in general, energy efficiency and environmental protection. Another important activity of the centre comprises accredited measurements and testing of boilers and other combustion equipment, which are carried out either by the centre's own laboratory or at the actual operating facilities.

Centre for Research and Utilization of Renewable Energy (CVVOZE )
CVVOZE is a research centre at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology. Activities of the Centre are focused on a whole range of disciplines in the field of electrical engineering such as electrochemistry, electromechanics, electrotechnology, power engineering and links them to the topical subject of renewable energy sources and their efficient use in production, transport and power engineering.

University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB)
UCEEB is an interdisciplinary research facility of the Czech Technical University in Prague that brings together a critical mass of knowledge from civil engineering, mechanical engineering, material science, electrical engineering and biomedicine. UCEEB is focused in complex holistic research on sustainable buildings and providing high quality research space for researchers and doctoral students.

Regional Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering
The RICE, part of University of West Bohemia, aspires to provide a full range of research activities, from new materials to new solutions for power-generation drive systems and processes for increased effi ciency and optimised operation of power or heat generation.

Nupharo Park
Nupharo is a business park and innovation centre featuring rental space for a diverse group of companies, from technology start-ups to the largest multinationals. Nupharo is the first business incubator and innovation campus focused on promotion of direct current and smart energy.

Hydraulic Laboratory
The newly built hydraulic laboratory of the company ČKD Blansko Engineering serves for the development and acceptance testing of physical models of hydraulic machines pursuant to IEC international standards. Thank to this research laboratory it is possible to test water turbines which are used in hydro power plants all over the world, directly in the Czech Republic.

Alternative Drive Units and Fuels Laboratory
This research facility at the Technical University of Ostrava is focused on the use of chemical energy from standard and alternative fuels and conversion thereof into various types of energy with minimal impact on the environment. The laboratory's main areas of interest include research of cogeneration units, on which it cooperates with the business sector,e.g. the companies Viessman and Capstone.

Centre of Intelligent Power Engineering
ModemTec, a technology leader in the fi eld of R&D activities for smart grids has established a unique research and development facility called the Centre of Intelligent Power Engineering, which is designed to support the development of modern appliances to meet the current and future needs of the power industry.


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