ICT and Business Support Services - Call I

The ICT and Business Support Services Programme is focused on the development of the information and knowledge society through support for the supply of new ICT products and services.

It is possible to obtain support particularly for these activities:

  • Software development
  • Shared Services Centers
  • Customer Support Services
  • High-tech Repair Centres

Receipt of registration applications for the first Call is closed. Information about the second Call will be published in 2009.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)
  • all enterprises regardless of their size
How much can be obtained for one project
(form and amount of aid)
What costs can be supported
(eligible costs)
  • acquisition price of specified long-term tangible and intangible assets (particularly purchase of buildings, land plots, hardware and networks, licenses, know-how and software)
  • selected operating costs up to the amount according to the de minimis rule
  • real estate rental


  • gross wages of employees and the employer’s mandatory contributions
  • selected operating costs up to the amount according to the de minimis rule
  • real estate rental
  • creation of x new jobs
  • minimum amount of investment in the tangible and intangible assets in the frame of the project

More detailed information on the conditions and amount of aid, method of acceptance of applications and other specifics are presented in the Call.

The process of submitting applications is available in the section Process for Obtaining Aid.

Attached files

Description Type Size Date

ICT and Business Support Services

Text of the programme

95.4 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Annex I of the EC Treaty

Defines list of products whose manufacture and marketing is in the area of Common Agricultural Policy. Projects whose results will appear in sectors defined by the Annex I of the EC Treaty shall not be supported.

11.04 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Definition of the steel industry

Specification of Steel Industry - sector that can not be supported.

12.47 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Definition of the Manufacture of Synthetic Fibres

Specification of Manufacture of Synthetic Fibres – sector that can not be supported.

5.01 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Eligible costs

Contains specification of eligible costs and relating restrictions given by the Call.

33.53 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Selection criteria BSS

Defines grading methodology of submitted projects focused on Bussines support services. It is recommended to study properly those criteria in order to evaluate project’s prospect of approval.

90.02 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Selection criteria ICT

Defines grading methodology of submitted projects focused on Creation of new IS/ICT solutions and applications. It is recommended to study properly those criteria in order to evaluate project’s prospect of approval.

88.05 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Outline of the Business plan

Important information about how the project (business plan) should be structured and what information it should contain. The recommended outline of the Business plan is designed in a way that it reflects selection criteria defined in the Annex 6.

26.4 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Change (transformation) of an Entity

Describes under what conditions transformation of an entity can be acceptable when evaluating 2 years history of business activity.

7.51 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Unsupported NACE categories

List of unsupported CZ-NACE categories, in which the results (output) of the projects shall not appear.

10.48 kB 16 Mar. 2009

ICT and BSS Call I.

Complete text of the Call I.

96.23 kB 16 Mar. 2009

ICT and BSS Call I - support for the first call

Summarizes conditions as well as types of support for the first call.

123.63 kB 16 Mar. 2009

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
