Archive, February 2010
Czech Republic among the absolute leaders of Central and Eastern Europe in the inflow of services investments
22 Feb. 2010 | CzechInvestResearch: Visegrad four countries attract 70% of all investments in services in Central and Eastern Europe. The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland set records.
Newsletter - January 2010
12 Feb. 2010 | CzechInvestmonthly newsletter
Production of WiMAX Network Components to employ 150 near Stříbro
3 Feb. 2010 | CzechInvest, GemtekGemtek selected the Czech Republic for its first plant outside Taiwan.
Investments in 2009: Smaller projects, demanding technologies
3 Feb. 2010 | CzechInvestResearch and development and business support services were the leading areas in terms of new investments. Manufacturing investments, dominant in the past, declined last year.