The Czech Republic’s lithium reserves may attract major foreign investors to the country

19 Jul. 2017 | CzechInvest | The lithium will be used in environmentally friendly batteries and other high-tech projects

Zásoby lithia v Česku mohou přilákat významné zahraniční investory

On Monday, 17 July 217, Minister of Industry and Trade Jiří Havlíček presented to the tripartite coalition the government’s intentions regarding the extraction and use of the Czech Republic’s lithium reserves. Minister Havlíček emphasised the necessity of the maximum possible appraisal of the raw material on Czech territory. In addition to Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, the meeting was attended by other members of the government and representatives of employer associations and sectoral organisations.

The Czech Republic possesses major lithium reserves in the Cínovec area. Lithium can be used primarily in the electrical engineering sector, particularly in production of batteries for portable electronic devices such as mobile telephones, laptops, cameras and medical instruments, as well as batteries for electric vehicles, which is a segment with strong potential. Several companies including, for example, HE3DA, A123 Systems and EV battery, are currently building factories for production of lithium batteries in the Czech Republic. Another investment from the Japanese company Central Glass is planned in Pardubice. 

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TZ MPO - Tripartita - záměry státu při využití lithia v ČR

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