Successful Czech firms meet with Minister Zaorálek in New York

30 Sep. 2014 | CzechInvest | Successful Czech firms that have managed to assert themselves overseas presented their results at Google’s New York offices, where Czech diplomacy was represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs Lubomír Zaorálek.

V New Yorku se potkaly úspěšné české firmy s ministrem Zaorálkem

Under the roof of one of the world’s biggest IT firms, representatives of companies presented their innovative ideas in the area of information and communication technologies to representatives of the Visegrad Four countries and Google. The event was organised on the occasion of the participation of presidents and ministers in the 69th United Nations General Assembly. In the opening remarks, Slovak President Andrej Kiska stated that the event would encourage young Slovaks and other start-up projects from the V4 countries to engage in global business.

Among the Czech entrepreneurs in attendance, Jan Řežáb stood out as expected with the Socialbakers project focused on analysis of social media. The Hungarian Prezi project and a Slovak flying-car design also gathered successes. Other Czech firms presenting their products included Invea-Tech a.s., Corinth and Oscar Tech, Inc., the last two of which took part in CzechInvest’s CzechAccelerator programme aimed at helping promising young entrepreneurs to penetrate foreign markets. Minister Zaorálek highlighted the programme and praised this form of support for innovative business.

More detailed information about the New York meeting of the minister and Czech firms at Google’s offices is available in the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and this report from Czech Television  (11:14 - 13:33).

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