Smart grids I - Call I

The 1st Call for proposals of Smart grids I programme was announced on 22 December 2015. Applications are submitted in two steps via the IS KP14+ internet application. The Applications stage I are received from 4 January 2016 until 7 March 2016 and the Applications stage II are received from 1 March 2016 until 30 June 2016.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)

  • The applicant / beneficiary may be a business entity; a small or medium-sized enterprise as defined in Annex I to Commission Regulation No 651/2014; a large enterprise.

How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)

  • Aid intensity: aid is granted up to an amount of 40% of EE.
  • Aid intensity for Environmental studies: aid is granted up to an amount of 40% of EE.
  • Maximum and minimum subsidy amount: each aided area has its own basic allocation:
  1. In area a, up to CZK 210 million.
  2. In area b, up to CZK 65 million.
  3. In area c, up to CZK 95 million.
  4. In area d, up to CZK 330 million.
  • Subsidies for projects in each area are provided as follows:
  1. In area a, from a minimum amount of CZK 5 million and up to a maximum amount of CZK 80 million.
  2. In area b, from a minimum amount of CZK 5 million and up to a maximum amount of CZK 65 million.
  3. In area c, from a minimum amount of CZK 5 million and up to a maximum amount of CZK 60 million.
  4. In area d, from a minimum amount of CZK 5 million and up to a maximum amount of CZK 80 million.
  • The maximum total subsidy amount for environmental studies is CZK 500 000.

For what aid can be obtained(supported activities)

a) Deploying automated, remote-controlled elements in distribution systems.

b) Deploying technological elements for controlling the voltage and power of electrical energy in distribution systems.

c) Addressing local balances through controlling the power flow between customers and the operator of the distribution systém.

d) Selectively installing electrical energy quality measurement features in distribution systems.

Which costs can be supported(eligible costs)

  • Tangible fixed assets.
  • Fixed intangible assets (if required for the proper operation of fixed tangible assets).
  • Environmental studies (an assessment of the benefits of the application of smart grid elements in distribution systems).

Attached files

Description Type Size Date

Smart grids I - Call I Resume

294.48 kB 11 Mar. 2016

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
