Investment Week: Representatives of the University of West Bohemia appear at a seminar on the new OPEIC

28 May. 2015 | CzechInvest | The university representatives presented to businesspeople their research facility and possibilities of cooperation.

Týden investic: Na semináři k novému OP PIK v Plzni vystoupili i zástupci Západočeské univerzity

In connection with Investment Week, CzechInvest’s regional office in Plzeň recently held a seminar for entrepreneurs on drawing aid from the new Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OPEIC) and possibilities of cooperation with the University of West Bohemia (UWB) in Plzeň.

This was the first time that such an extensive presentation of the university was part of a seminar organised by CzechInvest’s Plzeň office.

The seminar, which took place at UWB on Wednesday, 27 May 2015, was attended by 43 businesspeople and representatives of the university. In the first part of the event, representatives of CzechInvest’s Plzeň office presented the current calls of the new OPEIC. The second part featured university representatives, who presented the activities of individual research centres and examples of successful cooperation with firms in the Plzeň region.

David Krivánka, production manager at ATMOS Chrást s.r.o., described the cooperation between his company and the university and the positive results that have been achieved thanks to that cooperation.

A lively debate took place following the presentation of the individual OPEIC sub-programmes. Representatives of UWB commented particularly on the Application programme, which offers support for research and development and for the academic sphere.

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