Renewable Energy Sources – Call I

The 1st Call for proposals of Renewable Energy Sources programme was announced on 15 December 2015. Applications are submitted via the IS KP14+ internet application. Applications are received from 4 January 2016 until 4 May.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)

  • The applicant / beneficiary may be a business entity; a small or medium-sized enterprise as defined in Annex I to Commission Regulation No 651/2014; a large enterprise, including agricultural entrepreneurs, in order to distribute heat from existing biogas plants (as defined by Act No 252/1997 Sb., on Agriculture).

How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)

  • The subsidy for a project is provided in an amount of no less than CZK 1 million and no more than CZK 100 million.
  • Each aided area has its own allocation limit:
  1. For the distribution of heat and biogas from existing biogas plants, there is a limit of CZK 150 million.
  2. For biomass-fired cogeneration, there is a limit of CZK 140 million.
  3. For biomass-fired heating plants, there is a limit of CZK 20 million.
  4. For small hydroelectric plants, there is a limit of CZK 50 million.
  • The maximum total subsidy for environmental studies – Energy Assessment is CZK 350 000.
  • Aid intensity:

In the case of measures concerning small hydroelectric plants, biomass-fired cogeneration and biomass-fired heating plants:

  • If the beneficiary is a small enterprise, aid is granted up to 80% of EE.
  • If the beneficiary is a medium-sized enterprise, aid is granted up to 70% of EE.
  • If the beneficiary is a large enterprise, aid is granted up to 60% of EE.

In the case of the distribution of heat and biogas from existing biogas plants:

  • If the beneficiary is a small enterprise, aid is granted up to 50% of EE.
  • If the beneficiary is a medium-sized enterprise, aid is granted up to 40% of EE.
  • If the beneficiary is a large enterprise, aid is granted up to 30% of EE.

Aid intensity for Environmental Studies (Energy Assessment) in the case of the distribution of heat and biogas from existing biogas plants:

  • If the beneficiary is a small enterprise, aid is granted up to 50% of EE.
  • If the beneficiary is a medium-sized enterprise, aid is granted up to 40% of EE.
  • If the beneficiary is a large enterprise, aid is granted up to 30% of EE.

For what aid can be obtained (supported activities)

  • Distribution of heat from existing power plants – biogas plants that use biogas at the biogas plant to produce electricity and heat – using heat distribution facilities to the place of consumption; distribution of biogas from existing biogas plants using a biogas pipeline to a distant cogeneration unit that uses biogas provided by an existing biogas plant in order to utilise heat supplied to heat distribution facilities by a thermal energy supply system.
  • Construction and renovation of combined heat and power generation from biomass other than for own consumption and distribution of heat to a heat exchanger plant, inclusive.
  • Construction and renovation of biomass-fired heat sources other than for own consumption, and distribution of heat to a heat exchanger plant, inclusive.
  • Construction, renovation and modernisation of small hydroelectric power plants (up to an installed capacity of 10 MWe).

Which costs can be supported (eligible costs)

  • Fixed tangible assets.
  • Fixed intangible assets (if required for the proper operation of fixed tangible assets).
  • Environmental studies (Energy Assessment).

Attached files

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Renewable Energy Sources – Call I Resume

287.17 kB 11 Mar. 2016

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
