The 1st Call for proposals of Properties programme was announced on 29 May 2015. Applications are submitted in two steps via the IS KP14+ internet application. The Applications stage I are received from 1 June 2015 until 31 August 2015 and the Applications stage II are received from 1 December 2015 until 26 January 2016.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)

  • A business entity from the category small and medium-sized enterprise that proves ownership rights to the real estate and is also its user; its sectoral definition of activities is supported under the programme.

How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)

  • The project subsidy shall be provided at the minimum amount of CZK 1 million and up to the maximum amount of CZK 200 million.
  • The maximum amount of subsidy is 45% of the eligible expenditure for a small enterprise and 35% of the eligible expenditure for a medium-sized enterprise.

For what aid can be obtained (supported activities)

  • Project of building reconstruction – a project ensuring reconstruction of a technically unsuitable building or brownfield-type building turning it into business premises housing activities listed in the list of supported activities CZ-NACE (Annex 1 to the Call).
  • Project of revitalisation of premises for own business activities – a project ensuring creation of investment-ready premises for own business activities or improving the quality or usability of current premises to carry out activities listed in the list of supported activities CZ-NACE (Annex 1 to the Call).

Which costs can be supported (eligible costs)

  • Tangible fixed assets, mainly purchase or modification of land, purchase, reconstruction, modernisation, modifications, construction or removal of a construction, utilities, access roads to sites, hardware and networks if necessary for a safe operation of the building, technical facilities of the buildings. The Managing Authority shall prepare its own expert opinion for the purchase of land plots and buildings in addition to the mandatory expert opinion submitted by the beneficiary; the eligible expenditure for the purchase will be eligible up to the amount of this opinion, or the purchase price, or the amount in the expert opinion submitted by the beneficiary, whichever value is lower. As far as construction work is concerned, the provider will consider it eligible only to the price level of construction work based on the URS catalogue for the year in which the Full project application was filed. In this regard, the beneficiary shall accompany the Full application with a priced itemized budget of construction work planned for implementation under the project. Where the price for construction work is higher than in the price charts of construction work (URS), such expenditure will be reduced to the amount corresponding to the specifications.
  • Other costs associated with the construction that will be included to tangible fixed assets (mainly services of experts, studies, design and engineering activities directly associated with the project implementation). As far as additional costs associated with the construction are concerned, the provider will consider them eligible only to the level of prices usual in the market.


Attached files

Description Type Size Date

Potential Call I_resumé

281.83 kB 1 Oct. 2015

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
