Potential - Call III

The Potential Programme helps companies to set up and increase capacities necessary for the implementation of research, development and innovation activities.

It is possible to obtain support for investments in the establishment or expansion of development centre (departments) aimed at research, development and innovation of products and technologies, including specific software and applications that form a part thereof (software that is component part of the products or technologies). Such a centre should contribute to the introduction (implementation) of technologically new or innovative products, product lines, production processes and technologies. However, there must be the real expectation that the results of the centre's work will actually be used in production.

1.1          Basic characteristics:
Who can apply (beneficiary)
  • Enterprise of any size
  • Supported forms of legal entity are specified in the Call
How much can be obtained for one project
(form and amount of aid)

Support is provided in the form of subsidy of CZK 1 – 100 million.

In regions with concentrated state aid and in regions with a higher rate of unemployment, which are defined in accordance with the methodology for selecting regions with higher unemployment, the subsidy is provided in the amount of CZK 1 – 200 million.

  • Amount of the subsidy for eligible investment costs and mandatory (reasonable) project publicity is governed by the regional map valid for the period 2007-2013.
  • Subsidy for non-investment costs (except costs for mandatory project publicity) is provided in maximum amount set by the regional map valid for the period 2007-2013, up to the amount pursuant to the de minimis rule, e.i. maximally up to the amount of EUR 200 000 (only for small and medium sized enterprises).

Within the Potential Programme – Call III it is possible to draw aid in the maximum amount of EUR 500 000 from the Temporary Framework. This applies to small and medium-size enterprises fulfilling one of the following two conditions:

o eligible investment costs within the projects amount to at least CZK 30 million or

o the aid recipient participates in the ERA-NET/EraSME initiatives and this fact is verified by submitting an approved application. The amounts of aid provided pursuant to the Temporary Framework and aid under the de minimis regime are counted together, i.e. the combined amounts may not exceed EUR 500 000 during the decisive period (1 January 2008 – 31 December 2010).

For what aid can be obtained
(supported activities)
  • Establishment or expansion of a development centre (department) aimed at research, development and innovation of products or technologies if there is an expectation of their use in production.
  • Projects that will be supported are those whose outputs will be realized in sectors  defined by CZ-NACE sector classifications C 10, 13-33, E 38.32, J 62, M 71.2, and S 95.1 (see ANNEX 3 of the Call II)
What costs can be supported
(eligible costs)


Long-term tangible assets:

  • purchase of equipment and machinery (must form together with long term intangible assets at least 50 % of eligible investment costs);
  • acquisition of building (up to the amount of 40 % of eligible investment costs);
  • acquisition of land (up to the amount of 10 % of eligible investment costs)

Long-term intangible assets:

  • purchase of intellectual property rights, software and data (for large enterprises up to the amount of 50 % of eligible investment costs.

2. NON-INVESTMENT COSTS -  de minimis aid, only for small and medium sized enterprises:

·         services of experts and consultants, expert studies;

·         travel expenses, personal costs, social and health insurance payments during the project realisation;

·         materials for construction of a prototype.


Specifics and restrictions
  • The minimum amount of investment in long-term assets used for the purpose of ensuring the activities of the project amounts to CZK 5 million in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises and CZK 10 million in the case of large enterprises.
  • Only assets used for supported activities can be included in eligible costs.
  • Each applicant is authorised to submit only one project (i.e. one approved Registration Application) for one region. This condition shall be applied also for related parties.
  • Only projects implemented in the Czech Republic, outside the Capital City Prague can be supported.

It is recommended for potential applicants to read attachments at the bottom of this page. Text of the Call specifies information valid for the specific Call.

Attached files

Description Type Size Date

Potential - text of the programme

139.64 kB 12 May. 2008

Potential - Call III for Submission of Projects

179.61 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Summary of the Call III

97.08 kB 14 Jan. 2011

Annex 1 - Change (Transformation) of an Entity

24.27 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 2 - Eligible Costs

49.22 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 3 - Supported CZ-NACE categories

42.56 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 4 - Annex I of the EC Treaty

38.83 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 5 - Definition of the Steel Industry and Manufacture of Synthetic Fibres

43.29 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 6 - Selection criteria

118.49 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 7 - Outline of the business plan

50.66 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 8 - Instructions for objective correctness of the Payment Application

57.33 kB 27 Apr. 2010

Annex 9 - Designation of regions and areas with an entitlement to a subsidy in the amount of up to CZK 200 mil

41.39 kB 27 Apr. 2010

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