The 1st Call for proposals of Potential programme was announced on 29 May 2015. Applications are submitted in two steps via the IS KP14+ internet application. The Applications stage I are received from 1 June 2015 until 31 August 2015 and the Applications stage II are received from 1 December 2015 until 7 March 2016.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)

  • An eligible beneficiary shall be a business entity, an agricultural entrepreneur (defined by Act No 252/1997 Coll., on agriculture) or an entrepreneur in the food sector specializing in the production of items not listed in Annex I to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, with a project in the field of R&D and innovation.

How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)

  • The project subsidy shall be provided at the minimum amount of CZK 2 million and up to the maximum amount of CZK 75 million / CZK 150 million in regions facing economic problems and areas with above-average unemployment rates.
  • The aid shall be granted up to 50 % of the total eligible expenditure notwithstanding the size of the undertaking and the project location.

For what aid can be obtained (supported activities)

a) Establishment or expansion of industrial research, development and innovation centres based on the acquisition of land, buildings, machinery and other equipment necessary to carry out the activities of the centre.

b) In the case of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) the aid includes also selected operating costs of the centre.

  • The aid shall support projects with outputs affecting the sectors defined by CZ-NACE C 10, 13 – 33; E 38.32; J 62, M 71.2, S 95.1.

Which costs can be supported (eligible costs)

  • Tangible fixed assets – purchase of land, buildings, machinery and other equipment needed to equip R& D centres.
  • Intangible fixed assets – acquisition of patents, licenses and know-how.
  • Selected operating costs (only for SMEs) – personal costs of graduates, consultant and expert services and studies.
  • Expenses on the obligatory publicity of the project.


Attached files

Description Type Size Date

Potential Call I - resumé

281.16 kB 1 Oct. 2015

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
