The 1st Call for proposals of Knowledge Transfer Partnership programme was announced on 29 May 2015. Applications are submitted in two steps via the IS KP14+ internet application. The Applications stage I are received from 2 June 2015 until 30 September 2015 and the Applications stage II are received from 1 December 2015 until 7 March 2016.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)

  • The beneficiary may be a business which is a small or medium-sized enterprise or a research and knowledge-dissemination organisation (i.e. entities meeting the definition of research and knowledge-dissemination organisation under par. 1.3(ee) of the Communication from the Commission — Framework for State aid for research and development and innovation (2014/C 198/01).

How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)

  • The project subsidy shall be provided at the minimum amount of CZK 500 thousand and up to the maximum amount of CZK 3.5 million.
  • In the case of SME, subsidy will be provided only in the "de minimis" regime.
  • Subsidy will be provided in the amount of up to 70% for all types of applicants.
  • Research and knowledge-dissemination organisation may obtain a subsidy of up to 70% of the eligible expenditure if the condition referred to in par. 9.2 (g) of the Call is met and the project includes activities under knowledge transfer as referred to in par. 19 (b) of the Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation.
  • The SME must provide a financial contribution of at least 30% of the eligible expenditure of the partner organisation associated with the project, either from its own resources or through external financing, and in a form which does not include any state aid.

For what aid can be obtained (supported activities)

  • The supported activity is establishment of partnership between a small and medium-sized enterprise and a research and knowledge-dissemination organisation ("knowledge organisation") for the purpose of transfer of knowledge, related technologies and skills to which the enterprise does not have access. Knowledge transfer is carried out with the participation of a graduate of the Master's or doctoral studies ("Knowledge transfer assistant") directly in the premises of the enterprise under the supervision of a selected expert centre.
  • The project must focus on at least one of the following activities and must be of strategic importance for further development of the enterprise:

(a) improvement of production processes

(b) development/innovation of new products and services or process innovation in the development and introduction of new products and services

(c) improvement of business processes including the process of product certification

-The aid shall support projects with outputs affecting the sectors defined by CZ-NACE C10, 11, 13 – 33; E 38.32; J 62, 63.1, M 71.2, 72, S 95.1 – see Annex 3 to the Call.

Which costs can be supported (eligible costs)

  • For SME: hardware and networks, software and data, machinery and devices, wages and contributions, travel.
  • For knowledge partners: wages and contributions, travel, services of consultants, experts, studies, access to information, databases, seminars.
  • Moreover, knowledge organisations may apply indirect (overhead) costs at a flat rate of up to 15% of budget item Wages and contributions (does not include wages and contributions of the SME). Eligible expenditure for indirect costs is: personnel costs of administration staff, cost of use of university facilities, accounting, phone fees, network deliveries, consumables, cost of organisation of workshops, mandatory publicity.


Attached files

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Knowledge Transfer Partnership _Call I_resumé

251.57 kB 1 Oct. 2015

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
