Investment Week: Businesspeople and academics discuss how to finance research and development

28 May. 2015 | CzechInvest | It is possible to obtain funding from Czech and European sources.

Týden investic: Podnikatelé a akademici ve Zlíně diskutovali, jak financovat výzkum a vývoj

In connection with Investment Week, CzechInvest’s regional office in Zlín recently held a seminar under the title Innovation Forum: Possibilities of Financing R&D and Innovations and Tax Aspects Thereof.

The event, which took place on Wednesday, 27 May 2015, at the Technological Innovation Centre in Zlín, was attended by approximately fifty businesspeople and representatives of universities.

The purpose of the seminar was to present the possibilities of financial support for research, development and innovation projects from Czech and European sources, as well as tax deductions for research and development.

Besides representatives of CzechInvest, those appearing at the seminar included specialists from the Technological Innovation Centre, the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the consulting firm SmarTech Solutions. The event was organised in cooperation with the Zlín region.

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