In Brussels CzechInvest Presents Possibilities of Investing in the Czech Republic
16 Jun. 2014 | CzechInvest | At a seminar held on 11 June 2014, the agency presented opportunities that are opening up for Belgian businesses in the Czech Republic.
Besides investment incentives, which investors in the Czech Republic can obtain not only for manufacturing investments, but also for projects involving business support services and technology centres, CzechInvest present the CzechLink project at the seminar in Brussels. The purpose of CzechLink is to help Czech companies find strategic partners, thus offering foreign investors the possibility of capital entry into Czech firms. The seminar took place on the premises of the CzechTrade agency in Brussels. It was organised by CzechInvest and CzechTrade in cooperation with the Association for Foreign Investment and PwC, and was attended by consultants and representatives of funds and manufacturing companies.