ICT and Business Support Services - Call III

The ICT and Business Support Services Programme is focused on the development of the information and knowledge society through support for the supply of new ICT products and services.

It is possible to obtain support particularly for these activities:

  • Software development
  • Shared Services Centers with substantial international focus
  • High-tech Repair Centres

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)
  • all enterprises regardless of their size
How much can be obtained for one project
(form and amount of aid)
  • subsidy of CZK 1,5 to 100 million. Projects realized in regions with focused state support can reach up to CZK 150 million of subsidy.
  • % of eligible costs
  • percentage amount of aid is governed by the regional map valid for the period 2011-2013
What costs can be supported
(eligible costs)


  • acquisition price of specified long-term tangible and intangible assets (particularly purchase of buildings, land plots, hardware and networks, licenses, know-how and software)
  • selected operating costs up to the amount according to the de minimis rule


OPTION II (cannot be mixed together)

  • gross wages of employees and the employer’s mandatory contributions


  • real estate rental
  • services of experts and consultants, expert studies (eligible cost max. CZK 3 mil., maximum aid intensity 50%, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) only)
  • access to information and databases - de minimis aid, SMEs only
  • creation of x new jobs
  • minimum amount of investment in the tangible and intangible assets in the frame of the project

More detailed information on the conditions and amount of aid, method of acceptance of applications and other specifics are presented in the Call.

The process of submitting applications is available in the section Process for Obtaining Aid.


Attached files

Description Type Size Date

ICT and Business Support Services Call III - summary

Summarizes conditions as well as types of support for the third call.

115.72 kB 18 May. 2010

ICT and Business Support Services - Call III

Complete text of Call III (basic document)

540.41 kB 29 Apr. 2010

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