Energy Savings in Heat Supply Systems – Call I
The 1st Call for proposals of Energy Savings in Heat Supply Systems programme was announced on 22 December 2015. Applications are submitted in two steps via the IS KP14+ internet application. The Applications stage I are received from 4 January 2016 until 7 March 2016 and the Applications stage II are received from 1 March 2016 until 30 June 2016.
Basic characteristics:
Who can apply (aid recipients)
- Natural persons or legal entities, based on a license for thermal energy and/or electrical energy production and for thermal energy distribution, which are granted by the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) pursuant to Section 5 of Act No 458/2000 Sb., on the conditions for conducting business and public administration in the energy sector and amending certain acts (the Energy Act).
- In the case of a new entity, a license for thermal energy and/or electrical energy production and for thermal energy distribution pursuant to Section 5 of Act No 458/2000 Sb. must be presented no later than at the time of submitting the request for payment for the last stage.
- Types of aided entities: Business entities, including those that are up to 100% state owned.
How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)
- Aid intensity:
In the case of measures related to energy-efficient district heating and cooling, including the installation of gas-fired combined heat and power (CHP) generation, the following applies:
- If the beneficiary is a small enterprise, aid is granted up to 50% of EE.
- If the beneficiary is a medium-sized enterprise, aid is granted up to 40% of EE.
- If the beneficiary is a large enterprise, aid is granted up to 30% of EE.
- Aid intensity for Environmental Studies (Energy Assessment):
- If the beneficiary is a small enterprise, aid is granted up to 50% of EE.
- If the beneficiary is a medium-sized enterprise, aid is granted up to 40% of EE.
- If the beneficiary is a large enterprise, aid is granted up to 30% of EE.
- Aid for a project is provided in an amount of no less than CZK 0.5 million and no more than CZK 350 million.
- The maximum total subsidy amount for environmental studies – energy assessment pursuant to Section 9a(1)(e) of the Act No 406/2000 Sb., on energy management, as amended, and energy assessment pursuant to Section 9a(1)(b), (c) or (d) of the Act No 406/2000 Sb., as amended, is CZK 350 000.
For what aid can be obtained (supported activities)
- The construction, development and interconnection of existing thermal energy supply systems, including heat transfer stations, in order to increase the use of high-efficiency combined heat and power generation aiming to achieve primary energy savings.
- The renovation of existing thermal energy supply systems, including heat transfer stations, in order to maximise primary energy savings or, as the case may be, utilise heat provided by high-efficiency combined heat and power generation and heat or waste heat from industrial processes.
- The installation of solar collectors and heat pumps for preheating non-potable hot water that will be a part of thermal energy supply systems.
- The installation of and upgrades to technological equipment related to distribution, including metering and control in thermal energy supply systems.
- The installation and renovation of high-efficiency gas-fired cogeneration units in thermal energy supply systems. This measure will be eligible if it is part of any combination of the above aided activities a); b); c); d) that the form the majority of eligible expenditures.
Which costs can be supported (eligible costs)
- Expenditures on building and technological equipment including metering and control in thermal energy supply systems as required in order to achieve primary energy savings.
- Fixed tangible assets - When acquiring construction works, the aid provider will only consider these to be eligible up to the amount of the construction work prices indicated in the ÚRS/RTS/etc. lists for the year in which the aid application was submitted. In this context, the applicant is obliged to submit – along with the aid application – a detailed itemised budget with prices for the construction works that are planned to be implemented within the project. If the price for the construction works is higher than the price indicated in the construction work pricing guidelines (ÚRS/RTS/etc.), such expenditures will be reduced to an amount corresponding to the guidelines.
- Fixed intangible assets (if required for the proper operation of fixed tangible assets).
- Project documentation, environmental studies (including energy assessments).
Attached files
Description | Type | Size | Date |
Energy Savings in Heat Supply Systems – Call I Resume |
287.65 kB | 11 Mar. 2016 |