The 1st Call for proposals of Energy Savings programme was announced on 29 May 2015. Applications are submitted in two steps via the IS KP14+ internet application. The Applications stage I are received from 1 June 2015 until 31 August 2015 and the Applications stage II are received from 1 December 2015 until 30 April 2016.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)

  • An eligible applicant and beneficiary shall be a business entity , small, medium-sized or large enterprise as defined in Annex I to Commission Regulation No 651/2014, including agricultural entrepreneurs (defined by Act No 252/1997 Coll., on agriculture), entrepreneurs in the food sector and retail business.

How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)

  • The project subsidy shall be provided at the minimum amount of CZK 500 thousand and up to the maximum amount of CZK 250 million.
  • The absolute amount of an aid on environmental studies (energy consumption assessment) shall be CZK 350 thousand.
  • The maximum aid intensity shall be 50 % of the eligible expenditure for a small enterprise, 40 % of the eligible expenditure for a medium-sized enterprise and 30 % of the eligible expenditure for a large enterprise.
  • The maximum aid intensity for environmental studies (energy consumption assessment) shall be 50 % of the eligible expenditure for a small enterprise, 40 % of the eligible expenditure for a medium-sized enterprise and 30 % of the eligible expenditure for a large enterprise.

For what aid can be obtained (supported activities)

a) Modernisation and reconstruction of electricity, gas and heat distribution networks in buildings and energy management of production plants in order to increase efficiency.

b) Implementation and modernisation of metering and regulation systems.

c) Modernisation, reconstruction of existing power producing facilities for own energy consumption, leading to greater energy efficiency.

d) Modernisation of lighting systems for buildings and industrial sites (only in case of replacement of obsolete technologies with new highly efficient lighting systems, e.g. LEDs).

e) Implementation of measures to reduce the energy efficiency of buildings in the business sector (insulation of the building envelope, exchange and refurbishment of doors and windows, other construction measures having proven effects on the energy performance of the building, installation of air-conditioning with waste heat recovery units).

f) Reuse of waste energy in industrial processes.

g) Reducing energy intensity / increasing energy efficiency in manufacturing and technological processes.

h) Installation of renewable energy units for own consumption of the business (biomass, solar systems, heat pumps and photovoltaic systems).

i) Installation of a co-generation unit using electricity and thermal energy for own consumption of the business, considering its operating conditions.

  • The aid shall support projects with outputs affecting the sectors defined in Annex 3 (A) to the Call.

Which costs can be supported (eligible costs)

  • Tangible fixed assets.
  • Intangible fixed assets (if required for due operation of the tangible fixed assets).
  • Environmental studies (energy consumption assessment).


Attached files

Description Type Size Date

Energy Savings Call I - resumé

248.45 kB 1 Oct. 2015

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
