Czech Republic named by expats as the world’s second best country for starting a family

20 Feb. 2017 | CzechInvest | According to Business Insider, only Finland scored higher

Czech Republic named by expats as the world’s second best country for starting a family

Moving to a foreign country for work is a major step, especially if you take your family with your or you want to start a family abroad. For expats, the quality of education is one the decisive criteria for choosing a destination. Parents want to know the level of quality of preschools and schools for their children and how effectively they can spend their free time with them.

According to a survey conducted by InterNations, the largest internet platform for people who want to live and work abroad, the Czech Republic is the second best country in the world in this respect. Respondents agreed that education in the Czech Republic is available to everyone. The only country to receive better marks was Finland, which expats assessed as having the highest quality of education in the world. 

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