Czech Innovation Festival 2017
[22 – 24 Jun. 2017 | Berlin] The Czech Innovation Festival (CIF) presents innovations, science, new technologies and creative industries from the Czech Republic. It is organised by the Czech Centre Berlin and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin.
The general scientific partner of the CIF 2017 is the ELI Beamlines project, a close 1bn € international facility being built near the Czech capital. 13 countries and dozens of institutions (many from Germany) take part in this project, having set a goal of building the strongest laser in the world by the end of 2017.
The CIF 2017 will also focus on virtual reality this year. An essential part of the Festival belongs to Czech start-ups. Together with workshops and meetups with the local business & investor community we will present 7 internationally successful Czech start-ups in a start-up pitch, a competition of short presentations.
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Please register for the Czech Innovation Festival here.
The programme on Saturday is part of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, you find information about tickets and where to buy them on the website