[1 Jun. 2016 | Czech Republic (Brno)] Seminar

CENTRAL NANO: Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for high added value products and process industries.

BIC Plzeň in cooperation with South Moravian Innovation Centre organises an international event „Central Nano: Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for high added value products and process industries“. The event intends to promote the potential of the Czech Republic in the nanotechnology Area.

The event will offer an unique opportunity to initiate international cooperation in the area of nanotechnologies, learn about new trends in the field, get information about financial instruments to support international cooperation on projects with topic of nanotechnology and last but not least to visit newly opened research centre CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology - http://www.ceitec.eu/).

The event will be an ideal opportunity for anyone interested in cooperation with the Czech companies, entrepreneurs, research organisations, universitites and clusters to find relevant Czech partners. It will be held on 1 June 2016 in Brno and participation is free of charge.

All relevant information about the event including profiles of already registered participants is available here http://centralnano.talkb2b.net/


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