Application – Call I

The 1st Call for proposals of Application programme was announced on 26 June 2015.

Applications are submitted in two steps via the IS KP14+ internet application. The Applications stage I are received from 26 June 2015 until 30 September 2015 and the Applications stage II are received from 1 December 2015 until 7 March 2016.

Basic characteristics:

Who can apply (aid recipients)

  • Applicants/beneficiaries may be business entities and research and knowledge-dissemination organisation (i.e. entities meeting the definition of a research and knowledge-dissemination organisation under Art. 2(83) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014); grant applications may be submitted by individual entities (enterprises) and consortia consisting of several partners—enterprises and research and knowledge-dissemination organisations; in the case of a consortium, only one entity from the consortium acts as applicant/beneficiary, which in all cases assumes the role of contracting entity and beneficiary for all projects.

How much can be obtained for each project (form and amount of aid)

  • The amount of grant provided for a project is a minimum of CZK 1 million and a maximum of CZK 100 million.
  • The maximum intensity of state aid varies according to the category of supported activities and enterprise size; the maximum aid intensity for the entire project is limited to 70% of eligible expenditure.

For what aid can be obtained (supported activities)

  • Implementation of industrial research and experimental development within the meaning of Article 25 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 (including participation in international industrial research and development projects through the IraSME network).
  • Aid will be provided to projects whose outputs will be realized in sectors defined by CZ-NACE sector classifications CZNACE C 10 – 11, 13 – 18, 20 - 33; D 35, E 38; F 41 – 43, J 58, 59, 61 - 63, M 69 – 72, 74, 75, N 78, and S 95.

Which costs can be supported (eligible costs)

  • Personnel costs – salaries and social and health insurance contributions of researchers, technicians and other supporting staff to the extent necessary for the project.
  • Cost of instruments, devices and equipment costs in the form of depreciation, to the extent and for the period when they are used for the project.
  • Cost of contractual research, knowledge and patents purchased or acquired under a license from external sources under normal market conditions and cost of consultancy and equivalent services used exclusively for the project.
  • Additional overheads and other operating costs, including cost of material, deliveries and similar products created as a direct result of the project.

Attached files

Description Type Size Date

Application Call I

249.82 kB 4 Jan. 2016

Central & Eastern European Automotive Forum 2017

Sector Databases
