According to IBM, the Czech Republic ranks among the world’s most attractive countries for investors

21 Sep. 2015 | CzechInvest | Only Macedonia and the United Arab Emirates surpass the Czech Republic

Česká republika patří podle IBM k celosvětově nejatraktivnějším zemím pro investory

The Czech Republic placed third in the 2014 Global Location Trends evaluation of countries according to the number of newly created jobs per capita. Only Macedonia and the United Arab Emirates placed higher in the evaluation, which was conducted by IBM.

The data published by IBM illustrate the Czech Republic’s attractive for foreign investors.

In absolute terms, the largest number of jobs were created in the United States, China and India. The ranking of countries in which the largest number of jobs with high value added were created was topped by Ireland followed by Switzerland and Sweden.

“Investment activity returned to growth on the global level in 2014,” the company stated in its report.

The electronic version of IBM’s report is available here.

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